Can you use a trademark without registering it?
Many companies have not registered their trademark. Are you allowed to use your mark if it’s not registered? If so, what are the risks?
How to claim a domain name that is similar to your trademark
If you discover someone has registered a domain name similar or identical to your trademark, it’s possible to claim the domain for yourself using the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) process. However, it’s not as simple as many think.
Trademark blunder that cost 160 million USD – don’t make the same mistake
Alaska Airlines’ costly trademark blunder with the Virgin Group serves as a reminder for businesses to carefully consider every aspect of a license agreement. Learn from their mistakes and ensure you understand the legal implications before signing.
Can you trademark your face?
In today’s digital age, personal brands are becoming increasingly important. Is it possible to trademark the most recognisable part of a person’s brand, the face? The answer is surprisingly unclear.
Immoral and offensive trademarks at EUIPO
Trademarks that are against public policy or accepted principles of morality cannot be registered. It’s crucial for businesses to consider the potential impact before selecting a controversial trademark.
Logos with hidden meanings and visuals
Logos serve as visual representation and identifier of a company, conveying messages and creating brand identity. Some logos have hidden meanings and clever visuals, either intentionally or unintentionally.