Does a non-profit organisation need a trademark? Read here to find out.
Viral videos and the HAWK TUAH trademark bonanza
Is it possible to trademark a viral catchphrase like HAWK TUAH? Find out here what the issues are.
The one reason why you cannot ignore intellectual property
Regardless of your views about intellectual property, you cannot ignore it. Here’s why.
How to use the ® symbol in the EU
Do you know how to use the ® symbol in the EU if your trademark is registered in only one country?
Can trademarks be used to fight deepfakes?
Is it possible to use trademarks to prevent the use of unauthorised deepfakes?
What Trademark Filings Reveal About Sustainability Trends
Data from trademark filings can be used to track sustainability trends. Read here about EUIPO’s latest report.
Guarding the Glory: A Look at Champions League Trademarks
UEFA’s Champions League is one of world’s most valuable sports brands. It is also protected by dozens of trademark registrations around the world.
Trademark saga of Diego Maradona
Trademark DIEGO MARADONA has been subject to an ownership battle. The EU court has now decided who should own it. Read here what happened.
Trademark PABLO ESCOBAR – no presumption of innocence
Trademark PABLO ESCOBAR was refused in the EU although names of other criminals have been accepted as trademarks. Why is this?