A trademark audit helps you ensure that your trademark portfolio is relevant, up-to-date and cost-effective.
Can you trademark a painting?
Have you ever wondered if you can trademark a painting? After all, who wouldn’t like to have exclusive rights to DaVinci’s Mona Lisa or Picasso’s Guernica, when used for merchandise?
Does trademark law allow cultural appropriation?
As brands seek to differentiate themselves and connect with diverse audiences, the appropriation of cultural symbols, names, and practices has become increasingly common. So the question is, does trademark law allow cultural appropriation?
Do you have a deceptive trademark?
Do you have a deceptive trademark, and how to spot on? Deceptive trademarks cannot be registered, but there’s a lot you can do about that.
Can you trademark a number?
Can you trademark a number. The short answer is yes, but it might be more difficult than you think.
The challenge of 3D trademarks
Product shapes can be highly distinctive and recognisable assets. However, protecting them as trademarks is not always easy.
What every startup founder should learn from Rihanna
A recend decision regarding Puma’s design shows what every startup founder should learn from Rihanna
Many lessons of OpenAI’s trademark GPT
OpenAI’s trademark GPT raises many important questions of trademark law. Read more about them here.
Geographical names as trademarks
Geographical names can be used as trademarks, but there are particular things that you must take into account.