Protect your trademark in 3 minutes!

EU trademark covers all European Union member states (currently 28) so it is not necessary to protect your trademark separately in EU member states. EU trademark can also be used as basis for international registration which can cover almost 100 countries.

Game industry trademark application

Step 1 of 4

  • Step 1 of 4 - Trademark details

  • Enter the details of your trademark below.

  • Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, gif, jpeg, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    Upload file (pdf, jpg, png)

  • Please confirm below whether want to protect your name, logo or both. If you choose both, there will be two separate applications required. If you wish our assessment and advice on what's best on your case, select "Not sure, please advise".

  • The attorney fee is 295 EUR per application. If you choose word and logo trademarks, two applications will be filed and two attorney fees (total 590 EUR) payable. In addition to attorney fees, government fee is payable for each application. The extent of government fee depends on the number of product or service classes chosen for the application. Please proceed to the next part to see our recommendation for products and services, together with applicable government fee.